Cannabis Lawyers Dedicated To Entrepreneurs & Businesses

The #1 Law Group Serving The Cannabis Industry

Seattle – Portland – San Francisco – Los Angeles

Gleam Law is founded on the belief that good ideas are worth protecting. With the unprecedented growth of the cannabis industry, taking the steps to protect your cannabis brand has never been more important.  We want to see this industry thrive. And just like any other legal business, you will need legal help.

Our team is made up of top cannabis lawyers who do not take themselves too seriously.  Some lawyers are not aware of this, but it is scientifically proven that fancy suits do not make you a better attorney.  What does matter is a commitment to our clients, a willingness to master a new legal field, and a deep understanding of how the cannabis industry works. And on those points, our team delivers.

We are not a big firm with a cannabis practice.  We are a full-service cannabis law firm. And that is the Gleam Law difference.

We offer a wide array of cannabis legal services, from licensing, to litigation and intellectual property.  With offices in Oregon, Washington and California and clients all over the country, our cannabis attorneys are ready for any challenge.

, Washington

United States