New Mexico’s Cannabis Legalization Proposal: Here’s a summary of some of the 23-member group’s other recommendations:
—Ensure that cannabis products are clearly labeled to reflect accurate dosing and maintain strong testing standards.
—Prohibit marijuana advertisements that feature children, cartoons or anything that would entice youth.
—Deter illicit markets by prohibiting jurisdictions from opting out of allowing cannabis businesses, but allow them to impose certain regulations such as hours of operation and zoning restrictions.
—Use tax revenue to fund law enforcement training to identify drug-impaired driving.
—Set aside funds to help provide access to capital for communities and small businesses to launch cannabis companies.
—Use revenue to to “support housing, job training and education programs statewide.”
—Set low fees for “micro business” licenses so that small family farms and entrepreneurs can enter the market.
—Study the demographics of the industry to ensure equity.
— Set aside funds for local jurisdictions to use revenue in the manner they see fit.
—Impose a tax rate that’s no more than 20 percent, with the goal being a total 17 percent tax rate.
—Impose penalties for selling cannabis to minors, consuming in a vehicle and any other unlicensed sales.
The Report in full
More on New Mexico House Bill 356 and the working group findings.