The recipe for America’s brand: Mix one measure independence, one-part US pride and top with veteran ownership. The result: The best products the industry has to offer.  The mission of CannAmerica is to forge over a decade of experience in the cannabis industry with our passion for crafting the highest quality products on the market. CannAmerica has dedicated years of thoughtful process to perfect flavorful, socially responsible and affordable products that we proudly offer to our fellow Americans.

We are America’s gummi: freedom-loving, veteran operated, with that timeless USA spirit built into everything we do.  With more than a decade of combined experience in the legal cannabis industry, CannAmerica’s mission is to craft the most socially responsible gummi in the marketplace, while also setting extremely high standards for flavor, affordability, reliability and overall quality.  After years of experimentation and hard work, the team offers cannabis consumers the finest cannabis gummi in the world.

